6 Major Blunders Made While Shaving & Ways to Avoid Them

Whenever we find that summer is nearing, then we are only ecstatic to feel that pool days and trips to the beach will begin in full flow. It is mostly during this time of the year when you don’t enjoy flaunting razor bumps, razor cuts, and ingrown hairs throughout your body. Without visiting any barbershop in Anaheim, shaving can be a tough job for anyone, and if you’re vulnerable to these shaving irritations, then you needn’t have to bother, as there are tips and strategies to apply and avail yourself of soft and smooth skin. In this write-up, we have specified the most common shaving mistakes along with tips for what to do, so you may know how to shave like an expert. 


  1. 1. Shaving Before Your Shower 


When shaving is the first step in your shower routine, you must re-strategize the entire process. The ideal time for shaving is just after taking a shower, as the skin will be wet, devoid of additional oil and dead skin cells to clog up your razor blade. Moreover, you must always moisten your skin and hair to soften the areas before shaving. Shaving on dry skin may cause scratches. 


  1. 2. Going Against the Grain 


It is a debatable question whether you should shave in the direction that your hair grows or against it. You might receive different answers from different experts. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, or AAD, you must shave in the direction that your hair grows and not against it. When you shave against the grain, it tugs at the hair, pulling it away from the skin before cutting it off, and can irritate.  


Additionally, you must refrain from switching the directions you shave in. Shaving in various directions may increase the possibilities of irritation, razor bumps, and even ingrown hairs due to the angle that which the hair was shaved off. 


  1. 3. Neglecting Shaving Gel or Cream 


Often, there are days when we’re in a hurry and feel tempted to skip out on shaving cream. However, applying shaving gel or cream is always the better option as these products are categorically designed for hair removal and can prevent you from cutting your skin. In case you have sensitive skin, opt for a gentle formula including good-for-you skincare ingredients such as aloe vera to comfort the skin.   


Dry shaving should be avoided at all costs and may cause cuts, razor burns, and ingrown hair. Always moisten your skin before grabbing a razor. 


  1. 4. Repeatedly Shaving the Same Areas  


If you apply a fresh razor blade and shaving cream, you don’t have to repeatedly go over the same spots. Repeating the same may irritate. Rather, glide your razor once over each spot, moving slowly, softly, and gently. 


  1. 5. Not Altering Razor Blades for Very Long 


Nothing lasts forever and it applies to your razor blades as well. If you apply an old one, it may cause some irritation, and, according to professional experts, you may easily wound yourself while applying a dull blade. Old razors left in the shower may act as a breeding ground as well for bacteria. That is why you must change out your razor blade or dispose of disposable razors after a maximum of seven shaves to reduce irritation. Maintain a few new ones stocked in your washroom cabinet. Accordingly, you need not bother about running out of them in times of need. 


  1. 6. Being Rough and Fast with Your Razor 


Can you recall that when you were a little kid, you were warned to be careful while handling sharp objects? The same theory applies to your shaving razor as well. If you put excessive pressure and move too fast, then it may leave you with cuts and nicks. It is advisable to use a light hand while shaving and concentrate on slowly moving your razor, making smooth and even strokes. After each stroke, cleanse off your blade to ensure that it doesn’t become dull as you’re using it. 




If you religiously adhere to the above-mentioned steps, then you’ll realize that shaving wouldn’t be a challenging task at all. You don’t even need to visit the best barbershop in your locality to get a perfect shave.  


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