5 Important Things No One Ever Tells You About Waxing

Irrespective of the fact whether you're a first-timer or even an experienced client, you’re bound to have a few queries during waxing from any Anaheim barber shop. If you haven’t ever got your hair stripped from your body, then you may be equally curious as well as cautious about everything that you can expect before you book your first appointment. On the contrary, if you wax regularly, then you still possibly ponder about the unwritten rules and most ideal practices for prep and post-wax maintenance. 

Even though it's a regular practice, a lot about hair-removal practice is still shrouded in mystery. There are a lot of conflicting dos and don'ts for waxing. It's extremely challenging to sift through to be sure about the facts. To unearth the truth about waxing, you can reach out to the haircut shops that are experienced in waxing.  In this article, we’ve identified a few things that hardly anyone will inform you in advance about waxing. 

  1. 1. All Waxes Aren’t Created Equal 

There are a lot of waxing options to consider and all aren’t created the same. A lot of experts prefer elastic wax due to its wide range of benefits. Though hard waxes are provided at a lot of spas, you need to remember that the hard waxes break and crack, making the wax extremely tedious to remove and also minimizing hair removal efficiency. Another significant difference between the two is that while elastic wax is applied at body temperature, hard wax is applied hot, which may often cause burns if not done appropriately. 

  1. 2. Do Some Homework 

Before fixing any appointment for the first time or at a new place, you must go through the reviews and complete your homework to figure out the most suitable waxing formula for your skin and your needs. Several formulas are out there in the market. However, the most popular happens to be the conventional wax removed with strips. This system involves a strenuous, slow, and painful procedure. Another option is a synthetic hard wax, which doesn’t suit all types of skin or all areas of the body. A lot of experts feel that the most appropriate formula is elastic wax, which does not require strips. This formula is perfect for sensitive skin and is made of all-natural ingredients such as pine trees and beeswax. By stretching, the elastic wax causes less of a pull to the skin, implying a more comfortable hair removal experience. As the elastic wax is applied at body temperature, it also lets the waxing professional remove the hair quicker. 

  1. 3. Ingredients to Avoid 

The major mistake that first-timers make is not knowing about the avoidable ingredients. One must avoid applying retinol products to the skin before facial waxing. Though retinol is one of the best ingredients to smoothen fine lines and wrinkles, reduce pores, and heal adult acne, due to its extreme purity, it's quite potent, and even applying a thin layer can make skin more sensitive and susceptible to redness and irritation. The use of retinol increases skin sensitivity to make the skin more vulnerable to tearing during a waxing session. That’s why it’s better not to wax brows, upper lip, or any other facial area while applying retinol products. 

  1. 4. Length Is Key 

For the perfect waxing experience, the length of hair is very crucial. This is particularly important for first-timers. For optimum output, it is better to grow hair out to at least one-eighth of an inch before deciding to go for your first wax. A lot depends on where you'll get waxed. You can either trim the hair the day before or shave far enough in advance so that hair grows to the maximum length for your appointment date. Once you start waxing, book your appointments according to your hair growth, usually every three to five weeks. 

  1. 5.Moisturize and Exfoliate Frequently 

How you pamper your skin before and after waxing has a tremendous influence on the results. Exfoliating and moisturizing are mandatory.  if you can keep your skin moisturized, then it’ll ensure healthy and hydrated skin. Hydration is also important, particularly in winter when hair is dry and is more likely to break during waxing. Breakage compels the hair to grow back faster and thicker. That's why you must maintain your skin hydrated and healthy every time. Exfoliating is equally important. By exfoliating with a gentle scrub, you can remove dead skin and help the prevention of ingrown hairs in the process. 


If you still have doubts, then you should visit the nearest barbershop in Anaheim and clarify all the doubts that you have regarding waxing. 



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