Top 9 Easy Tips to Dye a Very Short Beard


Nowadays, several men are dyeing their beards at haircut shops for various reasons. A few do it to conceal gray hair. Others dye it a darker shade due to the patchiness of their beard and wish to make it look fuller. the rest just do it for a drastic change.  

Irrespective of the reasons, you should learn how to do it the proper way like an Anaheim barbershop, particularly if you have a short beard. The reason being dyeing a stubble beard is more difficult than dyeing a full one. In this article, we’ve identified the tips and tricks to dye a very short beard. They’re as follows- 

  1. Choose the Appropriate Color of Beard Dye 

This is the most significant step as choosing the right color makes a major difference. 

Most of the time, your facial hair color won’t exactly resemble the beard on the product package photo. It could be lighter or darker based on multiple factors such as your beard style, the color of your beard, the time you will leave the dye on your beard, the length, and the type of the dye. 

To choose the right color you should begin by defining your goals. Cover gray spots and receive a uniform color by picking a shade resembling your beard’s color. The most common colors available on the market are black, light brown, dark brown, and medium brown. 

There are 3 different types of dyes: Permanent, Semi-permanent, and Temporary. 

For a permanent or semi-permanent beard dye, get a shade lighter as it will become darker as time passes. 

For a temporary beard dye, do the opposite by picking a darker shade as it fades easily. 

To change the color of your beard hair totally, there isn’t much to do. Pick the color of your choice and dye your beard.  

Still, if you’re unsure about it, then ask your barber at the barbershop in Anaheim. Being experienced, these guys know it all, and they know how dyes work. 

  1. Choose The Right Type 

Permanent Beard Dyes 

Permanent beard dyes last for some months without fading out much. You only need to dye the roots of your facial hair as they become longer. 

Men with sensitive skin should avoid them as they contain ammonia and hydrogen peroxide which may irritate your skin, leading to allergic reactions.  

Semi-Permanent Beard Dyes 

Semi-permanent beard dyes precisely work like permanent ones. The only difference is that as semi-permanent colors contain fewer harsh chemicals, they don’t last as long as the permanent ones and begin fading after a few weeks. 

Temporary Beard Dyes 

Temporary beard dyes don’t penetrate your hair and only coat it with dye on its outer layer. So, they don’t last and wash out after washing your beard. 

They are a perfect choice for men with sensitive skin as they are normally made from 100% natural ingredients that don’t cause skin irritation. Moreover, if you have a patchy beard, they'll make it look fuller as they paint the outside hair layer making your hair appear thicker. 

  1. Choose The Suitable Time 

You should know your schedule a couple of days in advance. There are many bad times indeed to dye your beard, such as before going on a first date, before going to a wedding, or even before appearing for an interview, etc.  

Plan a few days and avoid doing it before an important life event. 

Perform the dyeing at the sink of your washroom as you will require a mirror and a sink. 

  1. Wash Your Beard 

Wash your stubble with a good beard wash to make the bead wet 

  1. Apply Vaseline Or Beard Oil 

Wear your faded t-shirt put your latex gloves on and begin applying Vaseline or beard oil around your beard, following the neckline and cheek lines. Use Vaseline as a protective layer to prevent your facial skin from getting stained. 

  1. Prepare The Dye 

Maximum permanent and semi-permanent solutions must be mixed before being applied.  
Usually, they’re available in 2 bottles. One with the color developer and one with the base color. Utilize the mixing bowl accompanying your beard dye and blend them. 

How to combine depends on the dye. You only need to follow the instructions. Remember that the quantities mentioned in the instructions are for full beards and you’ll dye a shorter beard. Use a bit less accordingly. 
Skip this step if you've got a temporary dye that is pre-prepared. 

  1. Conduct A Patch Test 

With a small amount of the dye, apply it to a small area of your beard, usually to a not-so-visible spot.  

Wait for some time and then wash it out. 
Check whether your skin gets irritated and if you like the color. If yes, then continue. Once the color of the patch test becomes a bit lighter than expected, simply leave it longer once you dye the rest of your beard. 

  1. Apply The Dye to Your Short Beard 

Mix the dye with your applicator's beard brush. Take the brush and rub the bearded areas of your face with an up and down motion ensuring that you coat your beard completely. 
If you wish to cover gray or patchy spots begin with these spots initially as the more the dye sits on your facial hair the darker it becomes. 
Be cautious while approaching the neckline and cheek lines as Vaseline can’t protect you if you overdo it. 

Wait for 5 to 10 minutes on average waiting time. You might even wish to leave it for a bit more for a darker shade or less for a lighter color.  

  1. Wash Your Beard Again 

Wash your beard with warm water until the water runs clear. Finally, apply beard shampoo and wash it properly. Usually, you need to apply shampoo for dyed hair. 


The bottom line is that you need to dye a short beard without staining your skin or making a mess. Visit the best barbershop in your locality for further guidance. 



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